Hello all, my name is Brett Murray. I am a sports enthusiast who isn't afraid to make statements that when the word bold is used as a descriptor, would be seen as a massive crying understatement. I push the envelope, in some regards to enlist some opinions that I have in the world of sports, in other facets some opinions and absolute statements that are made will be keyed for pure comedic fodder.
Here's the reason for this blog, I am an individual who is very much in between careers without really knowing what I want to do in the grand scheme. I intend to use this platform to hopefully share and enlighten folks alike with my extensive sports knowledge and maybe, just maybe if the reviews are seemingly positive, parlay this ability into a career which could entail freelancing for a sport organization/websites respectively. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I look forward to you and I following on this journey together. Also, before I go, I can be reached at brett_h_murray@hotmail.com and on twitter at @bretzky26. Twitter is something I haven't used enough of but have all the desire in the world to use it more to get my name out there and give it a damndest effort to grow the blog and my following.
Brett Murray
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